Saturday, June 1, 2013

Fat vs Skinny

Something happened today that made me think about fat girls and skinny girls.

I'm not that good at penning feelings into words, or using language to paint a picture but I'll try my best.

There are some things that are res ipsa loquitur (ooh ooh remembering my law terms heh heh), like how skinny girls get the attention all the time. Guys would fawn over them, other girls wna be their best friends, they have everything you've ever wanted like I don't know - that perfect straight hair or the way they ace at their social and academic lives while you're thinking: What the fuck, is this bitch even human... You know? How skinny girls are the ones that seem to have their shit together while yours is just a big mess like a stack of important documents being blown at by a giant fan. (I exaggerate but you get my drift ~)

There are so many things that pretty and skinny girls get that you don't. It's even proven that a pretty/hot/slim individual is more likely to succeed in life in terms of job interviews and wtv major fucking event that you would have liked but did not go to you because you looked like a groundhog.

I know this is starting to sound slightly angsty and jealous but trust me - it's NOT.

I realized that it doesn't matter how you look as long as you have substance. Yeah, you could match your looks with how solid your brain is; that is definitely not a crime. I like smart and pretty girls, they are lovely to be around when someone this pretty is actually not a bimbo! HOW REFRESHING! Okay I'm moving off-track.

The whole point of this is that I've realized I have what these "skinny" girls have too! And yes who cares if I'm fat or obese or people don't pay as much attention to me (trust me again - countless times of being overlooked by guy friends because I am not hot) REALLY WHO CARES?! Those that actually gave a fuck about me are the girls that OTHER GIRLS WNA BE BEST FRIENDS WITH, they are the ones that GUYS WNA FAWN OVER so I'm pretty damn lucky ya? I've got a fair share of exes (if you even count them as boyfriends) and Gerard right now is fucking fabulous.

So thank you to those who made me feel small, and incapable, worthless, ugly, damaged, insecure, scared - all the adjectives that shouldn't exist in a girl's mind about herself. Thank you for letting me know that y'all are actually the exact same pieces of shit that you made me feel that I was. Thank you for finally taking off the veil over my eyes to show me just how fucking blessed I am with the people around me! I thank each and every one of you little shits and hope life brings the FUCK YOU that I intended to give to you guys but decided against it because I am too busy reveling in the awesomeness of my life.

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